Parent Teacher Association
The PTA of Stonehouse Federation is a Parent/Teacher association comprising of parents of pupils both past and present, class teachers and the Headteacher. ‘The PTA’ meet once or twice a term to discuss and plan fundraising events for the school and decide how the money raised will be spent.
Please contact the school office for contact details of the PTA.
What do we do?
The PTA Committee organises fundraising events like the Christmas Shopping Evenings, Ladies night, Summer Festivals, Cake Sales, Beetle Drives , Junior School Discos and the Christmas and Summer raffle prize draws.
We need your help!
There are several ways you can help raise funds for the school:
- Attend our events - we run a variety of events' some for the children and some you can invite your family and friends to.
- offer to help - we need helpers at our events, such as to man a stand at the Summer Festival or chop up fruit for the children for their Christmas Party. You say how much time you can give, and we'll find a job to match.
- Make donations - we occasionally ask for donations - either for you to bring in cakes for the cake sales or provide good quality second hand items for our Summer Fair sales tables.
- Join our committee - it's where we decide what events should be run. We recruit new members at the start of each academic year, but you can join any time or just come along to find out what we do
How to contact us
Face Book
Speak to either of the school office staff and they can help put you in touch with us.