Pastoral Support
Class teachers and Teaching Partners work closely with your children and are focused on their social and emotional need as well as their learning and development. If you have any concerns of information you would like them to be aware of please speak to them directly at the start or end of the school day or email the relevant school office marking the email for the attention of your child’s teacher.
We have an Education Welfare Officer based at our Junior School who is able to offer parent support and advice and will work with our staff team to ensure children’s wider pastoral needs are met.
Hello, my name is Mrs Roberts and I am your Education Welfare Officer.
I am here to support the children and families of our school across the Infants and Juniors with any challenges they are facing.
I have been a Primary School Teacher for 32 years with experience of all year groups in many varying schools, including teaching SEND students at a local college.
I retrained three years ago in children and family therapeutic work which led me to work with children and their families across the county within their local school setting.
My role at Park is to give pastoral support to children and their families with short- or longer-term problems and challenges that arise in everyday life in the ever-changing world we live in.
I have an open-door policy and will always make myself available if I can. I offer a safe, professional non-judgemental space where I will do my best to help or signpost where to go for support.
How can you find me?
- I work Mon- Thurs and am on the gates most mornings between 8:45 – 9:00am.
- You can contact the school by telephone (01453 823108) and ask to speak to me. The office will take a message if i am not available.
- You can ask for me at the office reception – as I am always in school and will always make myself available if I can
- You can email me on